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8.6 KB
11 Dec 2010
Source version system for REBOL
author: nicolas
3.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
RebProcessor is a cross between an HTML pre-processor and a website content manager. The user creates source files (foo.src) which can contain any combination of HTML and RP commands, and the script will generate the target file (foo.html) for further use. ** EMail me for the help file, and for the example source file **
author: Seth Chromick
21.3 KB
17 Jul 2009
Zip archiver / unarchiver
author: Vincent Ecuyer
REM 0.4.2 - Text Editor - self extracting archive
25.9 KB
13 Mar 2003
REM is a powerful full screen text editor for Rebol/Core and Rebol/View
author: Cal Dixon
1.9 KB
13 Mar 2003
To do recursive replace in all files in the directory
author: Oldes
Request List Enhanced
16.4 KB
18 Aug 2014
An enhancement to the regular request-list that allows selecting items from a request list by typing in the first few characters of the item. Works with text, word and number lists. Designed to make optimum use of the keyboard. - New refinement request-list-enhanced/return-index will return the index of the item not the value. - Keys used; cursor up, down, page-up, [...]
author: mike yaunish
RIP - Standard File Archiver
3.3 KB
13 Mar 2003
A file archiver that works across 37 platforms. Compresses all files and subdirectories into a single binary, self-extracting archive file. (Similar to ZIP programs, but only 3KB.)
author: Carl Sassenrath
3.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Emulates, with a few lines of Rebol code, the CommServer flash XML socket server from Moock and Clayton.(see for the flash client.) The server sends a simple xml doc like <NUMCLIENTS>numclients</NUMCLIENTS> as soon as someone enters or leaves the server. By updating and comparing the old and updated value of numclients, The Flash client knows if someone has entered [...]
author: SuperTomato
Mail Reader
143.0 KB
29 Jun 2007
Browse/Read/Retrieve E-mail
author: [unknown]
runner.r4.5 KB
18 Oct 2013
Run rebol scripts or open websites at certain time intervals. For example, I use it with an email-checking script and a few others I just felt like compressing it to save some space - I use floppy disks a lot. do this in the console to get the source: write %RunnerDecomp.txt decompress pick (load %Runner.r) 3
author: Izkata
Cellphone reminder
5.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
Reads a file 'data.txt' containing appointment data, and sends my cell phone a text message 5 minutes before the appointment.
author: Graham Chiu
Simple file manager
18.5 KB
19 Jul 2003
A simple file manager
author: Gabriele Santilli
Convert Line Terminators
reline.r554 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Convert all line terminators to those used by the local computer. Works for PC, Mac, Unix, Amiga, and all others
author: Carl Sassenrath
Directory selector (treeview)
4.2 KB
26 Sep 2003
Open a requestor to select a directory. The current directories path is shown as a tree, and sub-dirs are shown for selection.
author: Didier CADIEU
RAR parser
5.6 KB
13 Mar 2003
Just if you need to search inside your RAR archives (for example)
author: Oldes
Read & Write metadata
read-write-meta.r1.1 KB
28 Jun 2009
Easily access streams (Windows NTFS) and resource forks (Mac OS X HFS). Linux/Unix not supported.
author: Ashley G Truter
Read a Remote Payment and Presentation System file
rpps.r14.4 KB
7 Nov 2011
This is a module for reading and taking apart a modified NACHA file used in the Remote Payment and Presentation System. If those terms mean anything, this could be a useful module. If those terms mean nothing, then at least this module could be an example of a way to handle a text file of fixed-format records. In 25 words or less, a [...]
author: Steven White
3.6 KB
13 Aug 2004
Reads all files and directories below specified directory
author: Brett Handley
6.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
A simple but useful address book contact database.
author: Carl Sassenrath
REBOL Random Password Generator
rand-pass.r1.0 KB
13 Mar 2003
To use the system password file to generate a random set of passwords for every user on the system.
author: Tyler Booth